Monday, 4 March 2013

More inexpensive ebook goodies!

I know this ain't SFF. . .

But I figure that like me, unless you live in the beautiful Nashville area, many of you love to travel and are probably trying to figure out where you'll go this year! =) Anyway, I just found out that several Lonely Planet titled are heavily discounted in ebook format on Amazon.

I already bought a few of them yesterday and I've decided to share this with fellow travelers who are also fans of the Hotlist! There are city guides, regional guides, and country guides, all available from 1.99$ to a little over 6$ per title. Considering that these guidebooks usually go for between 15$ and 30$, it's a pretty good deal

There is no such sale on the Lonely Planet website, so I have no idea for how long Amazon will offer them on the cheap. Here's a list of the available guidebooks:

- New York City

- San Francisco

- Rome

- Venice

- Turkey

- Costa Rica

- Puerto Rico

- Dominican Republic and Haiti

- Jamaica

- Hawaii

- Southern California

- Thailand

- Mexico

- Florida

- The Bahamas

And a couple of Great Britain guidebooks available for FREE:

- Culture Vulture Britain: Best Cultural Experiences

- Mini Britain: Best Experiences For Kids

- Ye Olde Britain: Best Historical Experiences

- Tasty Britain: Best Eating Experiences

- Recession-busting Britain: Best Free Experiences

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